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10 necessities that the majority of Nigerians cannot live without - Businessday NG

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    Nigeria, known for its vibrant culture, ancient traditions seamlessly coexist with modern technology. This thriving country is known for its zealous people and unwavering resilience.

    However, there are several necessities that Nigerians cannot live without; these few items characterize life in this exceptional country, and they are objects that have become crucial to most people.

    Here is a list of 10 things that most Nigerians can’t live without

    Mobile Phones


    Mobile phones are widespread in Nigeria. They are used for everything from communication and entertainment to business and banking. In fact, Nigeria has one of the highest mobile phone penetration rates in the world. Statista predicted that smartphones are “to grow to more than 140 million by 2025. Currently, estimates from different sources put the number of smartphone users in Nigeria at roughly 25 and 40 million”



    Nigeria’s national currency is the naira. Every financial transaction, regardless of how big or small, uses it. There are numerous denominations of Naira coins and notes.

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    Nigerian Cuisine


    Nigerian food is known for its variety and strong flavours. Nigerian cuisine favourites include pounded yam, jollof rice, and egusi soup. Food is a significant component of social gatherings and holidays in Nigeria since Nigerians like eating.

    Public Transportation

    Luxury bus

    In everyday life, public transport is essential. For daily travel, buses, taxis, tricycles (Keke Napep), and motorcycles (Okada) are regularly used, and train rides are becoming more popular.



    In Nigeria power shortages are common, generators are necessary. During power outages, generators are utilized to power homes and businesses.

    Ankara Fabric

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    Ankara cloth is a vibrantly coloured fabric popular in Nigeria. It’s used to produce dresses, skirts, and shirts, among other things.

    Kerosene Stoves

    Many Nigerians use kerosene burners for cooking. Kerosene is a reasonably inexpensive fuel that is widely available throughout Nigeria. Portable kerosene stoves are also available.

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    Bottled and Sachet Water

    Drinking water that is clean and safe is crucial for good health. Bottled water and “sachet water,” often known as pure water, are popular alternatives to tap water.

    Traditional Attire

    Traditional attire is still widely worn in Nigeria. Popular traditional costume includes the agbada, isi agu, george wrapper, iro and buba, and kaftans. Traditional clothing is worn at major events such as weddings, funerals, and everyday occasions.


    Motorcycles, or Okada, are a fast and effective means of transportation, particularly in congested urban areas. They are frequently used for short-distance transportation.

    There are some other interesting facts about the things Nigerians use every day

    One of the world’s top producers of cassava is Nigeria. cassava is a common ingredient in many different meals, such as garri, fufu, and eba.

    Palm oil is also widely produced in Nigeria. Many Nigerian dishes contain palm oil, which is also used to make soap, cosmetics, and other goods.

    There are many traditional marketplaces in Nigeria where one can purchase anything from clothing to electronics to fresh fruit. These markets offer a fantastic opportunity to explore Nigerian culture and are a significant component of the economy.

    Nigeria is rapidly developing, and technology use is becoming more widespread. Internet connection is becoming more widely available, and many Nigerians now own smartphones and tablets.

    As Nigeria continues to develop, the things that Nigerians use every day will likely continue to change and evolve.


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    Author: Catherine Jensen

    Last Updated: 1702089842

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    Name: Catherine Jensen

    Birthday: 1985-10-12

    Address: 97632 Blankenship Crest Apt. 548, Osborneview, MS 88615

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    Job: Biomedical Engineer

    Hobby: Coin Collecting, Lock Picking, Sailing, Stamp Collecting, Gardening, Golf, Origami

    Introduction: My name is Catherine Jensen, I am a accessible, lively, steadfast, Precious, unyielding, rare, persistent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.