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Some dog breeds are thought to be the most devoted

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    Taking out the top spot for loyal dog breeds is the German shepherd.

    This breed leans into its protective instincts and puts their humans first.

    But don't mistake them for your typical working dog.

    They make great companion pups and are curious learners.

    "There's a lot we can learn about our own relationships through spending time with dogs," Adem Fehmi, Rover's Canine Behaviourist, told Country Living.

    "The same way we take care to meet our dog's needs, respect their likes and dislikes, and spend quality time with them, echoes the same level of commitment necessary for a healthy relationship with our partners."


    Article information

    Author: Lauren Krause

    Last Updated: 1702587002

    Views: 1186

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    Author information

    Name: Lauren Krause

    Birthday: 1941-08-27

    Address: 486 Williams Junctions Suite 308, Morenochester, OK 26707

    Phone: +4198150130288353

    Job: Pharmaceutical Sales Rep

    Hobby: Archery, Coffee Roasting, Stamp Collecting, Embroidery, Card Games, Chocolate Making, Reading

    Introduction: My name is Lauren Krause, I am a receptive, skilled, candid, brilliant, cherished, variegated, transparent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.