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The movie Mayuraa Raghavendra: Kannad Gothilla is linguistically focused

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    "Long live Kannada. Long live Karnataka." This has been RJ-turned-director Mayuraa Raghavendra’s slogan ever since he started working on his film Kannad Gothilla. With actor Hariprriya in the lead, the director says he has taken on a subject that is relevant to the current scenario in Bengaluru. “I was working in a corporate set up with a 15-member team, 13 of whom were non-Kannadigas, and the only phrase they knew was ‘Kannad Gothilla’. And that they declared this with a sense of pride and arrogance was hurtful to the Kannada-lover in me,” says Mayuraa about his inspiration.

    Mayuraa, who worked as an RJ for 10 years, during which time he extensively interacted with Kannada cinema stars, doesn’t look at cinema as a new career. “I had always dreamt of making movies, and telling stories to people through the grandeur of the silver screen,” he says.

    His first attempt was a short film, Rishabha Priya, produced by Rachita Ram. “The film received critical acclaim, and won me an award, which in a way inspired me to direct a full-fledged movie,” he says.

    Kannad Gothilla is slated to hit theatres this Friday. What impact does he hope to make with this film? “Through the movie and its reach, I want to bring some awareness about this carefree attitude of our guests. I don’t intend to instill fear in their minds. However, I hope they will stop saying ‘Kannad Gothilla’ and at least make an effort to embrace the language of the land they work and live in,” explains Mayuraa, who calls this a language-centric film.

    According to Mayuraa, the film has a touch of crime and revolves around kidnap and murder. “I don’t want to reveal too much, but I can assure you it’s going to be an entertainer,” he says.

    About casting Hariprriya as the central character, he says she’s a heroine who has done over 30 films and is a seasoned actor. “Hariprriya brings her experience to the table and has done justice to her role in my movie,” adds the debutant director, who film also stars Dharmanna, Pavan, and Sudha Rani.

    Kannad Gothilla has cinematography by Giridhar Divan and music by Nakul Abhyankar.


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    Author: Karen Gonzalez

    Last Updated: 1703444042

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    Name: Karen Gonzalez

    Birthday: 1952-08-22

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    Job: Pilot

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    Introduction: My name is Karen Gonzalez, I am a artistic, fearless, audacious, expert, honest, exquisite, skilled person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.